My "main" pandemic project. This guy took me roughly a year to fully print and assemble. I scaled the original model by 300% before printing. Many of the parts were modified to support the added weight of it's larger size and electronics.
I had a lot of fun with this one! 3D-printed in wood-filament and painted / stained for the colors. The spikes were printed with clear filament, then injected with paint and spun. Finally, LEDs were lined along the inside of the mask, powered with an Arduino Feather pcb.
This project was a labor of love. I built a machine that allows me to recycle PET1 plastic bottles and obviously decided to print something challenging out of them. This project is 100% recycled plastic! The only parts of the print that were painted were the parts in gold. The green comprises Mt. Dew and ginger ale bottles (I did not drink that many, I promise!). All other parts were mostly water bottles such Propel and Ice. Overall, this thing weights close to 4kg!!